Netcore Integrated Services Nigeria Limitedoperates in many varied and often challenging geographical environment. An unwavering commitment has always been maintained to the highest standards of the health and safety of our employees, customers and contractors, as well as for the protection of the environment in the communities in which we live and work. The long-term business success of Netcore Integrated Services Nigeria Limited depends our ability to ensure that HSE remains a top priority for the management and each employee. The HSE policy and diverse standards are applied throughout the company. Each employee must maintain up-to-date certifications in essential HSE training courses through both traditional classroom and online interactive learning. Our driving safety-training program is one example of our HSE.
To create a healthy environment for our operations, and in an effort to ensure that our presence has positive impact on the lives and social well-being of our host communities, our Relations Department handles all aspect of community relations. More specifically we focus on employment, educational infrastructure, road rehabilitation, scholarships for students of electricity, water supply and other essential facilities.
The Nigerian Government has set a minimum local content target of 75% by 2010 for all works and contracts to be undertaken in or on behalf of all oil & gas companies operating in the Nigerian oil & gas companies operating in Nigeria. To meet this target a number of processes are now in place including a contract evaluation and award criteria which favours bids which meet or exceed the minimum local content target. The Nigerian government, via the NCD (Nigerian Content Division) of the NNPC, has issued a list of 23 categories of work which must be executed in Nigeria. At Netcore Integrated Services Nigeria Limited, we are of the view that maximizing local content is not only politically sensible but it makes good business sense as lower composite rates can be realized by increasing Nigerian labour and material resources especially where these items are readily available and the prices are competitive when compared with many other countries and the infrastructure is being upgraded to meet the aspiration of Nigerian context. The objectives of local content within the Nigerian context are to:
- Increase value-added content, thereby contributing to national economic development as well as that of our stakeholders, partners, clients, company, employees and contractors.
- Transfer technology and develop local know-how.
We are able to work with and assist foreign companies wishing to operate in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry increase their Nigerian content to meet new government target via a number of suitable arrangements including joint ventures, partnerships, sub-contracting or other mutually suitable vehicles.
We enhance Nigerian local content via the following mechanisms:
- Project specific local content plan.
- Employing competent and qualified local contractors to provide technical and non-technical services and support (when required).
- Investing in the development training of Nigerian to participate in the higher activities than hitherto.
- Investing in office, logistics, accommodation, computing systems and other business support infrastructure, goods and services,, all of which are purchased locally to augment other equipment procured internationally.
- Setting up the local infrastructure in co-operation with our offshore partners to meet the requirement of the NCD directives.
- If you are seeking to enter the Nigerian Oil & Gas industry and need to increase your Nigerian content or as a first timer wish to explore the very challenging but profitable Nigerian business environment and success then you should talk to us. At Netcore Integrated Services Nigeria Limitedwe understand Nigerian and the Nigerian oil & gas industry like no one else.